MAKEBA 676 is the series of works dedicated to the Blue Planet, to Earth and its wonderful creatures, to what we risk losing and what we should preserve. The name pays homage to Miriam Makeba, the South African singer also known as Mama Africa. The three animals depicted, the elephant, the orangutan, and the turtle, lack their natural colors because their existence is at risk, but their eyes gaze directly into those of the viewer, warning them.

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Elephant Gummy is the work that most strongly evokes Africa: in addition to the enormous elephant, there is a "blue" child smiling at the sight of a bottle of water; alongside the red and white cave paintings, there are other symbols of our supposed modernity (WhatsApp's well-known chat background symbols on the green).

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In Orangutan Moody, the animal is placed centrally like a god; below are two references to Renaissance painting, the Annunciation and the Last Supper.

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In Turtle Clumsy, the Day of the Dead is celebrated without fear or sadness: the large turtle is dressed as the Calavera Catrina and the general atmosphere is one of celebration; children have lost the joy of childhood, of play and boredom, and they observe as "busy spectators", distracted by cell phones and countless activities (sports, parties, courses).

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Nalingi Yo (I Love You)